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Digital Juice Editors Toolkit 3 Wedding Tools
cena na tel.

profesionálne efekty pre video - svadobná tématika. Viac ako 70GB vysokokvalitných animovaných grafík pre vašu produkciu. Animované pozadia a grafiky s alfakanálom pre zvýraznenie a oživenie spracovaného videa. Bližšie informácie a ukážky nájdete na stránke výrobcu.

Popis (angl.):
70+ GB
20 Animated Jump Sets
50 Additional Animated Full ScreenWipes (with alpha channels)
100+ Motion Design Elements (with alpha channels)
22 Additional Animated Backgrounds
QuickTime® format
Works with Free Juicer Software - Download here
Convert to PAL, NTSC, & DV
Output to AVI, MOV, image sequence & native NLE codecs
Keyword searchable index
Jump Sets

The heart of Editor’s Toolkit 3 is the Jump Sets. Each set encompasses everything you need to create a sophisticated and consistent look
throughout your video. Each piece is designed to match the look of the next. A Jump Set is, at a minimum:

Two Animated Backgrounds—at least one regular background and one template style background per set
Animated Lower Third
Animated Overlay
Animated Full Screen Color Wipe
Animated Transition Wipe

Animated Backgrounds
These are full screen animations—similar (but not identical) to our popular Jump Backs line! Typically the animated backgrounds you’ll find in the Toolkits are either "regular" or "template style". These "template" backgrounds are designed to be more text friendly than the regular backgrounds. They also tend to be more subdued in order to complement—and not distract from—the text, video or images you overlay on them. In addition to the backgrounds provided in the Jump Sets, Editor's Toolkit 3 provides 22 additional standalone backgrounds.

Animated Overlays
Animated overlays are full screen alpha-channeled animations designed specifically to provide an animated frame or accent for your video clips.

Animated Lower Thirds
Animated lower thirds are alpha-channeled color animated elements designed to highlight text or logos in the lower third of a full screen video.

Full Screen Color Wipes
First shown in Editor’s Toolkit 2, full screen wipes are quickly becoming one of the most popular additions to our Toolkits. An animated full screen color wipe is a color animation which plays as a transition between two video clips—working much like an animated overlay which transitions from alpha-channeled overlay to full background back to alpha-channeled overlay. In addition to the wipes designed to match each of the Jump Sets Editors Toolkit 3 contains an additional 50 full screen wipes.. Amazing particle, light, and dynamic cloth effects give you incredible new options when editing between scenes of your videos. Designed to work without a plug-in on any editing system that supports overlays, these easy-to-use wipes are as unique as they are useful.

Transition Wipes
First shown in Editor’s Toolkit 2, transition wipes are another welcome addition to our Toolkits. An animated transition wipe is a grayscale animation, which helps in the transition between two video clips—allowing one video clip to seamlessly blend with the next. Go beyond the usual sliding doors or vertical blind effects with these incredibly easy-to-use transitions.

Motion Design Elements
Motion design elements (MDEs) are like professional clip-art animations for videographers. Wedding Editor's Toolkit contains over 100 animated MDEs with alpha channels. These animations can be used to customize other animations and graphics—or simply as standalone pieces on top of your video. All of the elements are delivered to you at extremely high resolutions so they can be used full screen or sized down to whatever is best for your needs. Mix and match these elements to create your own custom creations that are unique to your productions.

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Digital Juice Editors Toolkit 7 Wedding Tools
Digital Juice Editors Toolkit 7 Wedding Tools
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